Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Hidden Meaning in Katy Perry's ET song?

I'm going to tell you because who ever asked the question the first time was wrong about the answer. The hidden message is talking about the extinction of white people. Notice at the end of the pigeon sitting there, it say "the pigeon, a common bird, went extinct in 2030". They are talking about white people. The explosions, the lion chasing the gazelle, the deer dying all represent ways in which whites are dying off: war, disease, and blacks and other races inter-mixing. And she says at the end that she'd do anything for this new race and then we see this black/white hybrid guy and she kisses him. It's an anti-white song and video. And don't give me some crap about how this new guy is like "on another level" because those images that flash mean something and it doesn't mean some innocuous crap that you said in the other answer.

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